Literally. They are all here, see? Signs don’t lie.

Recently, I visited a little spice shop in CO that reminded me of places in Paris, in the sense that it is dedicated to offering a wide selection of a specific item. An entire store dedicated to either just bread (yum), just cheese (double yum), just meat, just vegetables…oh Paris. So, I was excited to go check out a local spice shop that does exactly that – offer every spice known to man and only spices.

I ventured to this little place, Penzeys Spices. Walking in, you get overwhelmed with the smells. It was set up with wood boxes lining the walls and being scattered around the center of the store, showcasing all the seasonings they had. You can get various individual spices, or use one of the mixes/blends they create, or get real crazy and pick up a grouping of related spices.

Or you can be like me and be over-excited and start taking lots of pictures so that the people working there think you are quite strange for taking lots of pictures from all angles of the little glass jars. Not the first time I’ve gotten that look, won’t be the last, I’m afraid…

I loved all the names of the blends…especially this little guy.

Here was the baking section, dedicated to the classic baking flavors. I thought it was adorable that it was set up like a grandma’s kitchen. Kind of made me want to put on a checkered apron and make some oatmeal cookies. Normal response, right?

They had 5 different types of cinnamon. I was in love. They also had rather unnecessary but very pretty baking boxes. I was tempted, but I went with just some cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, and vanilla instead. For now.

I’ve been on a salt kick lately too. I love all the flavors, colors, size of grains…everything. It was so fun to find a place that offers more than just plain table salt and kosher salt, after being spoiled with all the colors of the rainbow fleur de sel (though they did have plain table salt and kosher salt, too…).

A little décor to remind you why you are there in case your nose stops working. (These boxes reminded me of one of my friends from school who would adore them. It was one of the little touches they had that made it feel very welcoming and cozy inside.)

After I had smelled everything in the store and took a lot of pictures, I grabbed a few of the little jars to play with flavors back at home.

Fresh, high quality spices really do enhance the flavor of what you are baking. Plus, they had a variety of flavors not available everywhere! I had so much fun playing with my new ingredients. All in all, a very successful trip! Might have to return soon to get a few new tastes for Christmas…
